February 1, 2014
Waiting to file a divorce may hurt you more than you know.
Whether you are thinking of filing for divorce or your spouse has mentioned it, here are a few issues that you must consider. Divorce can be an emotionally challenging process that may attack your financial resources. You may want to prepare yourself by making decisions relative to finances and children, if applicable.
Time may be a concern for you in the divorce process. Whether you are seeking a divorce in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, the time for a divorce may much longer than you anticipated. In Rhode Island, an uncontested (where the parties have a full agreement on all issues prior to the nominal divorce hearing court date), may take up to six-months for the process to be complete. In a contested divorce, the total time period until you are finally divorced, may take up to one year or more. In Massachusetts, the contested divorce (Chapter 208, section 1B), can be a very long and time consuming process with a hearing for temporary orders, discovery, a pre-trial hearing and possible trial. This process may have you in court for well over one year. All divorces are unique and your divorce may vary in length of time.
During the pendency of the divorce petition, you and your spouse will have to decide whether you will continue to live together, if you have children, what will be the time spent with each party. Who will pay what bills? Will one party have to financially support the other? Who will be the possessory parent (the parent who has possession of the children more than half of the total time with each parent)? How will you co-parent regarding the decisions relative to the children? Who will pay child support and what will be the amount?
These are just a very few of the issues that you may encounter during your divorce process. Having an experienced and practical attorney on your side may be the key to having a successive divorce. If you have questions, contact Attorney Rui P. Alves at 401-942-3100.